About Us
The WPCSD is home to 1230 students in grades PreK through 12 at seven schools. The district employs 100 certificated staff including teachers and administrators, 50 support staff, including bus drivers, paraprofessionals, maintenance, administrative assistants, and district office. Chartwells provides nutrition services for students and Accurate Clean provides custodial services. The district is governed by a seven member elected board.
Having suffered significant budget shortfalls through much of the 2000s and 2010s, the board has worked tirelessly to seek grant funds in order to maintain and expand offerings for students. Most recently, this includes adding teaching positions at Lund, DEN, WPMS, and WPHS in order to better support college and career readiness programs at all grades. College and career readiness is one of the district's three overarching performance goals. More than 70% of seniors graduate with some type of college credit. And both Lund and WPHS offer a variety of Career and Technical Education programs for students who want to experience rigorous applied and hands on learning with more than 50% of students graduating with a CTE endorsement. David E. Norman Elementary is a Governor's Designated STEM School and offers a variety of after school clubs and Friday inquiry based learning activities for all students.
The district believes in growing leaders, both at the student and staff level. Lighthouse Teams, student leadership groups, Freshman Achievement, Senior Achievement, Jobs for America's Graduates, Peer Leaders, and more are all designed to help students learn by doing. Staff members have formal career pathways to grow as leaders by becoming mentors, collaborative team leaders, instructional coaches, members of school and district leadership teams, and providers of professional development to their peers.
The district's caring and professional staff welcomed students back to campus all day, every day during the difficult 2020-2021 school year. While striving to push forward academically, the staff also worked to focus on supporting and attending to students' mental health and social-emotional needs. This work continues through the 2021-2022 school year as staff deepen their understanding of the World Class Relationships Framework--the blueprint to create and sustain vibrant and healthy culture and climate.
The WPCSD embraces continuous learning and growth. Teachers and administrators spend significant amounts of time attending to dramatically improving Tier 1 instruction. It is our premise that better adult learning translates into better student learning. As professionals learn and refine, they become more effective, creating conditions for students to thrive.
In 2023, the Board of Trustees revised its guiding framework to even more intensively focus on high quality instruction and resources, growing both student and staff leaders, partnering with the community to shape high expectations for all, and investing in student and staff safety and well being. This focus initiated a process of community dialogue, whereby the White Pine Portrait of a Leader was co-created with stakeholders. The Portrait outlines the competencies important to the entire White Pine community and creates a shared vision for students, families, and educators to aspire to while reshaping the way instruction and assessment are approached.
We welcome visitors on our campuses! Parents and community members who want to observe what is occuring in our schools can contact superintendent Adam Young at any time to schedule a school visit.